Heather Schnese

Heather Schnese is a contributing writer for Outreach magazine.

5 Evangelism Tips for Your Small Group

Simple and quick exercises added to small-group meetings can encourage people to take their faith stories into the community.

Getting Honest About Mental Illness in Church

Jarrid Wilson, church leaders, and the specter of mental illness

Meeting the Right People: Retention at Turning Point Church in Georgia

Relationship Makes All the Difference

Offering a ‘Middle Step’: First Church of God in Indiana

Associate Pastor Brandon Holler discusses the importance of equipping people to serve.

Taking Action to Connect: Action Church in Florida

Pastor Justin Dailey talks about how to start conversations while showing love.

Fostering Volunteer Pride: TrueNorth Church in South Carolina

Pastors Gene Jennings and Shane Williams discuss tapping into the desire to be part of something bigger.

Simple, Quick Onramps: Preston Trail Community Church

Serve and Engage Pastor Brandon Boyd is ready on the spot when people want to join Preston Trail’s family.

Strategic Volunteer Recruitment: Christ’s Church Camden

Lead Pastor Scott Clevenger explains how intentional volunteer recruitment makes a difference at Christ’s Church.