We do old-school visitations. Once a month we will go and make a home visit in teams of two or three. We bring a gift bag to the door of someone who has already visited our church.
Every Sunday is different. We look for opportunities to have cupcakes or cookies on Sunday morning. On 4th of July weekend, people get a rocket pop as they leave. We look for excuses to have those kinds of things.
We’re very intentional about providing quality opportunities for people to serve and to make a difference in our community. Through that we have a lot of success in getting new people connected to the life of the church.
The Lord gave me two words: together we. After that, we penned our mission statement out of Together We: Together we are a reaching, discipling, sending church impacting generations for Christ.
We’re very intentional about being welcoming and friendly. I tell people on Sunday mornings at the end of the services, “If you’re our guest, I’d like to meet you.” And so I go to the hospitality room and meet people every week.
We didn’t know it at the time but it turns out we were training our leaders right there. It was an opportunity for discipleship through serving we hadn’t anticipated, and we ended up serving 3,000 meals per day after that.