Heather Schnese

Heather Schnese is a contributing writer for Outreach magazine.

5 Spring Break Ideas for Youth Ministries

Five activities for each of the weekdays during spring break to keep your teens connected and active.

Phone Calls to Encourage Next Steps: Cross Church

Pastors Abram Gomez and Mary Jo Martinez share how simple phone calls can strengthen growth and connection.

Teens and Social Media: 7 Tips for Youth Pastors

Some ways students can infuse their faith and exemplify Christ in their social media interactions—without being weird or pushy!

Making Films That Ignite the Vision: Hope Community Church in North Carolina

Creative Media Director Joe Woolworth explains how producing films informs and excites people about the vision.

Teams That Trigger Relationships: The Life Church in Virginia

Associate Pastor Josh Baird describes Life Church's new program—Fusion—and why teams are the catalyst for connection.

Simplified Discipleship: Calvary Fellowship in Florida

Founding and senior pastor Bob Franquiz explains the importance of keeping discipleship and retention simple.

Kids First: The Avenue Church in Texas

Lead Pastor David Brown shares how The Avenue Church prioritizes their kids ministry—with great results.

Mother’s Day … At a Pregnancy Center Near You

Three ways you can support one of the U.S.'s 2,500 crisis pregnancy centers for Mother's Day.