
5 Ways to Practice Scripture Meditation

Whether we are feasting with our church—a fantastic God-given means of built-in meditation alongside other hungry believers—or “snacking on” Scripture alongside our children, the point is that we feed our souls.

Making Sense of the Sermon on the Mount

If the Sermon on the Mount is part of the larger structure and progression in Matthew’s Gospel, then we can’t make the sermon about something other than what the rest of the book is about. Matthew is clearly not about a legalistic summons to earn your way into heaven.

Kevin DeYoung

When we sign up to follow Jesus, are we signing up for a lifetime of frustration?

Reading the Bible for Our Joy

God has been gracious to give you and me access to know many things about Him: His creation, His desires for us, and, most important, His Son. Are we reading and treasuring this precious gift?

Mark Moore: Quest 52

“Let’s pursue Jesus relentlessly; he wants to be found. He may even join us along the journey.”

Powerful Prayers Spoken by A.W. Tozer

Possibly the greatest single impact of this self-educated man started on the floor of his Chicago church study as he would daily don his old prayer trousers and then, for some time, lay prostrate on the floor as he sought God.