Tag: reconciliation

4 Guiding Principles for Addressing Issues of Race

The number one question and conversation I’ve been engaged in with leaders across the country is literally, How do we lead in times like...

3 Reasons to Pursue Racial Reconciliation

Christ broke down the walls that divide us.

Addressing Racial Tensions in the Church

Pastors, if we do not bring it up, it is as if we do not know what is going on in the world where...

Thabiti Anyabwile: Grace Across the Divide

"As a Muslim, I couldn't hold together how God was the perfect judge and all-forgiving at the same time. How was that going to happen?"

A Pastoral Response to Concerns That You’re Talking Too Much About Race

What a crazy time to be a pastor! Before the horrific events of the last few weeks, there was already a myriad of memes...

Michael McRay: I Am Not Your Enemy

Stories to Transform a Divided World (Herald Press)

Choosing Hope in the Midst of Despair

Stories are key to saving us from ourselves.

Developing Competencies in Reconciliation

Today's globalized world requires that the church become competent in different areas of reconciliation.