Eric Geiger

Eric Geiger is the senior pastor of Mariners Church in Southern California and the author of several church leadership books.

The Counterintuitive Truth About Multisite Campuses

Church consumers tend to bounce when a church goes through a tough time. Based on casual observation, it does not seem that a campus with a pastor on a screen attracts more “church consumers” than a large church with an incredible facility.

Pay Close Attention

When the apostle Paul told Timothy to hand ministry over to others, he instructed Timothy to find “the faithful who will be able,” not the able who may become faithful.

The Blessed Burden

Because a local church is a gathering of believers, the Enemy is against her. Thus, the spiritual battles surrounding a local church and her leaders are fierce.

Untainted Leadership

Before the rebellion and destruction of Genesis 3, there was the beauty of God granting stewardship to humanity.

Two Dreams to Remember

The kingdom we belong to is eternal and as we live in his kingdom, we are to bless and serve those around us.

The Blessing of Constraints

God fully knew the pandemic was happening when he led us to plan to launch new congregations.

4 Mirror-Image Mistakes

Jesus wants us to serve and rejoice more in what he has done for us than in what we do for him.

9 Things Strategic Leaders Do

There is a massive difference between having a strategy and thinking strategically.