Tag: reconciliation

The Journey of Racial Reconciliation

The church is being called to lead in mourning, in lament, in solidarity and in a renewed commitment to racial justice.

Brenda Salter McNeil: The Powerful Witness of Solidarity

The Pursuit of Equality, Justice and Civility Involves Publicly Protecting Those Who Are Under Threat in These Racially Charged and Politically Divisive Tmes.

E Pluribus Unum?

God delights in our diversity and calls us to pursue reconciliation wherever needed.

10 Suggestions for Bridging Racial Divides

The racial reckoning that’s been happening across the country has been critically important, but if we let it wane, it will be for nothing.

Race and the Gospel: How Can We Move Beyond a Broken Witness?—Part 4

“When We’re in a Posture of Hospitality, We Can’t Objectify Those With Whom We Disagree. We Can’t Throw Stones While Serving Bread.”

Race and the Gospel: What Happens If We Forget the Poor?—Part 3

“Heaven and Hell Show Up in the Balance as Jesus Pointedly Discusses the Inability to Separate our Love of Neighbor From our Love of Him.”

Race and the Gospel: What Happens When We Compartmentalize Faith?—Part 2

“Surely the Good News of Jesus Has Something to Say to the Greatest Historic Injustice of the Last 500 Years.”

Efrem Smith: An Outpost for the Kingdom—Part 1

“We cannot surrender the outposts of God’s kingdom to the ways of our nation. We are here to transform. To make disciples.”