Tag: Offer

How Do You Know if You’re a People-Pleasing Leader?

10 signs you're letting others dictate your decisions

Power Comes From Our Hearts

Excerpted from 'Redeeming Power' (Baker Publishing)

4 Times When It’s Necessary to Introduce Change

How to know when to strategically introduce change

Taylor Ransom: Called to Comedy

"Eventually, I gave up on trying to be who I thought I should be and started being who God made me to be."

Why the Jews and Samaritans Give Us Hope for Healing Our Racial Divisions

Wisdom for our current age from Luke and Acts

How We Can Have Peace in a Tumultuous World

How do we as believers get through this season and beyond without our anxiety meters shooting through the roof?

Prepare for 2021 by Finishing 2020 Strong

Resetting our thinking about 2020

Modeling Evangelism for the Church

Aligning what we say with what we do