Tag: leadership

Purpose, Passion and Position

Will your local church change or keep doing the same thing, expecting different results?

Trading in a Dream for a Vision

A good plan feeds the leader's courage to leave the safe harbor and begin to discover and explore.

Changing the Heart of the Leader

Church leaders are not responsible for coming up with plans or strategies of mobilization. We are to put into action what God places in our hearts.

Creating an Edison Laboratory for Your Ministry

Lessons from Thomas Edison’s Life Can Help the Church Today

Increasing Your Leadership Influence by Listening

Being a humble listener is a skill all leaders need to develop.

When Change Comes Knocking at the Church Door

Change should be seen as a positive antidote to reclaim the church's health for future generations.

Overcoming Frustration in Ministry

How many times have you acted out of frustration, and thus hindered God's best for your ministry?

Why Now Is the Best Time to Lead

7 Counterintuitive Reasons There’s Never Been a Better Time to Be a Leader