Tag: leadership

Your Pastor Is Broken (And That’s OK)

"Yes, your pastor is broken, and it’s OK; you are, too. Welcome to the fellowship of the fractured."

3 Keys to Overcoming Unforgiveness in Ministry

"Remember this, Pastor: When you get things right with God, you will truly make things right with others."

A Note to 20-Something Church Leaders

“Working in a church setting will always involve leading alongside others who are not like you.”

5 Ways Church Leaders Grasp Momentum

"Momentum is not a mystery—it contains elements like vision and competence, but it cannot be manufactured upon demand."

The Divided State of the U.S. Is a Big Opportunity for the Church

“By building healthy, diverse churches, we can collectively get beyond rhetoric and into results for the glory of God.”

Megachurch World: Multiplying Global-Minded Leadership

“The sooner this happens, the more heaven will be populated with people from every nation, tribe, people and language.”

10 (More) Sure-Fire Ways to Drive Away Your Pastor

"If you do not love your pastor, take that as a sign of something amiss inside you."

Andy Stanley: The Agile Apologetic—Part 2

“Our current evangelical approach is becoming less relevant because it makes too many assumptions.”