
E Pluribus Unum?

God delights in our diversity and calls us to pursue reconciliation wherever needed.

Understanding Our Hispanic Brothers and Sisters

Jesus has gathered his church to put the beauty of his creativity and wisdom on display to the ends of the earth.

5 Steps Toward Racial Justice and Reconciliation

Racial justice and reconciliation are central to the gospel. Here's how predominantly white churches can join the cause.

Pursuing Diversity: The Math of the Kingdom

"You can't have a diverse church until you live a diverse life. Diversity in our churches is preceded by diversity in our living rooms."

Efrem Smith: Pursuing a Childlike Citizenship

"Armed with love and with childlike faith, we become an army, advancing the right-side-up kingdom of God."

Sharing a Dinner Table With Muslims: A Redemptive Invitation

"As Christians, when we engage in these sorts of relationships and conversations, we bring Jesus with us to a literal table."

5 Ways a Church Can Redeem Its Community

“The American church has proved it can fill the seats, but it has yet to prove that the gospel can transform entire communities.”

The Divided State of the U.S. Is a Big Opportunity for the Church

“By building healthy, diverse churches, we can collectively get beyond rhetoric and into results for the glory of God.”

3 Steps to Racial Reconciliation in the Church

"Too many Christians jump into discussions about racial reconciliation without a firm foundation of cultural understanding."

From the Heart of a Pastor: Personal Reflections on the 44th President of the United States

"We explained to our children that in America's 240 years of historical existence, this was a first."

How to Transform a Church From Homogeneous to Multiethnic

“Over time, the value of humanity must become more important to us than the value of size and homogeneity.”