
You Can’t (and Shouldn’t) Please Everyone

Learning to balance the natural tension of loving and caring for people, but not allowing someone to leverage their personal agenda or hijack the vision of your church is part of the leader’s responsibility.

An Atheist’s Take on the Decline of Christianity

Strange that a famed atheist bemoans the loss of what Christianity has brought to culture, and an agnostic the loss of what Christianity brought to the dynamics of human community.

Silencing Antagonists

Skillful leaders demonstrate compassion toward the antagonist knowing that there was likely something in their past that has caused them to live an angry, defensive life.

Tips for Leaders to Manage Conflict

Hint: It Can Be Healthy If Handled Correctly

7 Steps to Prep for a Leader Taking Time Off

How to Free Yourself to Take a Break

3 Things to Watch for in Your Teaching

Confusing or Equating These Things Can Lead Us Astray

An Often Overlooked Way to Serve Your Community

One Thing That Can Make a Huge Impact

The Most Common Reasons Leaders Fail to Delegate

Why We Neglect One of the Most Important Aspects of Leadership

4 Essential Lessons I Learned in My First Church

Early Ministry Insights That Have Stuck With Me

Reflections on Nelson Mandela’s 8 Secrets of Leadership

Surprising Insights for Divided Times

5 Techniques to Make Brainstorming Sessions More Productive

How to Use Neuroscience to Generate Ideas