Tag: Baker Academic

Change Versus Transformation in the Church

Excerpted From 'The Congregation in a Secular Age' (Baker Academic)

The Church Is Calibrated for a World That No Longer Exists

Excerpted from the Innovative Church (Baker Academic)

Quentin Schultze: Communicating With Grace and Virtue

Learning to Listen, Speak, Text and Interact as a Christian (Baker Academic)

How Good Communication Builds the Kingdom

Excerpted FromCommunicating With Grace and VirtueBy Quentin Schultze Communication is not just a skill for a few people and a handful of careers. Nearly everything...

This Year’s Best Cross-Cultural and Missional Books

Evaluated by Robert Gallagher, director and professor of intercultural studies at Wheaton College Graduate School.

Jack Levison: The Spirit According to the Old Testament

A Boundless God (Baker Academic)

Is the Holy Spirit Breath, Wind, or Spirit?

Examining the untamed Spirit of the Old Testament.

Ronald Sider: If Jesus Is Lord

Loving Our Enemies in an Age of Violence