Andrew Root

Andrew Root, Carrie Olson Baalson Chair of Youth and Family Ministry at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota.

The Distraction of Decline

When we think our issue is decline or lack of resources, our discussions are usually not about God and how he moves.

Andrew Root: The Congregation in a Secular Age

Keeping Sacred Time Against the Speed of Modern Life (Baker Academic)

Change Versus Transformation in the Church

Excerpted From 'The Congregation in a Secular Age' (Baker Academic)

Do Parents Really Care About Youth Ministry?

Why Parents Don’t Really Care About Youth Groups and What Youth Workers Should Do About It (Baker)

In Pursuit of the Good Life

Church commitments are losing ground to the competing priorities of the pursuit of the good life.

Andrew Root: The Pastor in a Secular Age

Ministry to People Who No Longer Need a God

Understanding the Malaise of the Modern World

The modern world's rejection of the idea of God has opened a strange emptiness and insignificance in our daily lives.