Tag: Baker Academic

Andrew Root: The Pastor in a Secular Age

Ministry to People Who No Longer Need a God

Understanding the Malaise of the Modern World

The modern world's rejection of the idea of God has opened a strange emptiness and insignificance in our daily lives.

Justin Irving and Mark Strauss: Leadership in Christian Perspective

Biblical Foundations and Contemporary Practices for Servant Leaders

Servant Leadership and Follower Focus

Excellent leaders equip and empower the people they lead.

Angela Williams Gorrell: Always On

Practicing Faith in a New Media Landscape

God Is Online

The story of Aaron Jackson, a high-school friend of mine supported through his cancer treatments, reminds me that God is present in social media interactions.

Al Tizon: On Mission to Reconcile the World—Part 1

He was disillusioned with missions, now he wants to reimagine it.

Al Tizon: Globalization and the Global Church—Part 2

The shape of missions will need to change in an increasingly globalized, diverse world.