Gail Allyn Short

Gail Allyn Short is freelance writer in Birmingham, Alabama. She leads a nursing home ministry and teaches a Bible study class for new believers at Integrity Bible Church.

Growing and Getting Better: Elevate Life Church

Elevate Life Church Grows to 1000+ in Less Than Four Years

Making Blankets for Babies: Sugar Land UMC in Texas

A church's elementary-age girls make fleece blankets for the local hospital's NICU patients.

In Church, Out of Suspension

Chicago churches band together to assist youth with conflict resolution and studies

Start a Puppet Ministry

Share the Gospel in an entertaining way.

Sacrilege: Finding Life in the Unorthodox Ways of Jesus

Hugh Halter: "The Art of Subtle Wooing: Winning the World Through Meekness" (Excerpt, Chapter 6)

Stories of ‘Missional’ in Real Life

What does the buzzword that has captivated all things church really look like in a local congregation and community?

The Road to Missional: Journey to the Center of the Church

Michael Frost: "What Exactly Is Evangelism?" (Excerpt)