Gail Allyn Short

Gail Allyn Short is freelance writer in Birmingham, Alabama. She leads a nursing home ministry and teaches a Bible study class for new believers at Integrity Bible Church.

Supporting Single Mothers: McCook Christian Church in Nebraska

Bible study offers encouragement and support for single moms in the McCook, Nebraska, community.

A Culture of Caring: Victory Family Church

Victory Family Church Creates Atmosphere of Care and Evangelism

Creating a Welcome: Christ Fellowship Church

Christ Fellowship Church Grows to 9 Campuses

Everyone’s a Minister: Vineyard Church

Vineyard Church in Kansas City, Mo., Is Reaching, Then Equipping, the Unchurched

Eternal Bread: Union Church

Michigan Church’s Summer Program Offers Children Practical Help

Nurture Intercultural Friendships Among Women

Five Baptist Oklahoma Churches Help Women From 36 Nations Form Friendships

A Mission Trip of Relationships

Two Churches from Connecticut and Chicago Lead Trips Allowing Students From Different Backgrounds to Bond

Dreams of Zion: Mount Zion Baptist Church

Mount Zion Baptist Church Ministers to the Community—from Students to Seniors