In a recent sermon, J.D. Greear—lead pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina—challenged believers to change their perspective on praying for and receiving God’s power.
“Some of you don’t need to pray for God’s power,” Greear said. “You just need to pray that God would open your eyes to the fact that it’s already there. What you need is not a fresh influx of power; what you need is fresh vision to see the power that God has already provided.”
Referencing Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1:15-23 and the story of Elisha and the Aramean army in 2 Kings 6, Greear affirmed that God’s power is ready available to all believers in all situations because of the resurrection.
“Paul says, ‘What you need is not more power. What you need is fresh vision. And that vision is going to come through seeing things through the resurrection,'” Greear said.
Read more of J.D. Greear’s thoughts on this subject »
J.D. Greear is the lead pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina (a 2016 Outreach 100 church—No. 46 fastest-growing and No. 42 largest), and the author of several books, including Gaining by Losing: Why the Future Belongs to Churches That Send. This article was originally published on