Tag: Discipleship

The Essential Purpose of the Church

Jesus consistently demonstrated his love and kindness to those who were unaccepted, outcast, marginalized and with little to no ability to do something for someone else.

Watching Our Words

In a world of shrill tones, we can demonstrate the gospel through our words.

How We Can Empower and Multiply Disciples

We need to de-emphasize the clergy and refocus on equipping disciples of Christ.

Dhati Lewis: Creating Space for Change in Your Community

I think if we're going to make disciples in the 21st century in a polarizing time, we've got to recapture the art of hospitality. Because hospitality is where we are able to make an enemy a friend.

Tending to the Roots

People want to experience God, so Radiant has extended its worship sets a bit and left space for more moments of reflection to let people sense God’s presence.

Making Disciples—Inside Your Church Walls, Too

No matter how long you’ve been a believer, find an older Christ-follower to invest in you. It may not be easy to find someone, but don’t give up easily.

Evangelism and Costly Discipleship

Following Christ is costly, but worth it.

John K. Jenkins Sr.: Wisdom From a Life of Ministry

The kingdom of God is made up of failed people who make mistakes. We should put our trust in the principles of Scripture, in the teachings of God.