Tag: Mel McGowan

Grace Place Isn’t Just a Church, But a Community Destination

“This fresh, outside-the-box, community-oriented, architectural-evangelism approach totally aligned with our church culture.”

Following the Presence of God: The Father’s House in California

How The Father's House church's recent building project has it poised for innovation and growth.

Creating Church Spaces That Point to the Creator: Bayside Church in California

"Bayside’s campus is unique, but the challenges they faced are not."

A Community Partnership: Crosspointe Church in North Carolina

A North Carolina church and YMCA break ground on a mixed-used destination for the community.

Gathered and Scattered: CrossWinds Church in California

An Old Dairy Farm Is Transformed Into a Metaphor for Restoration

Designing Space for Mission

"We are called to dig postmodern wells where the Samaritan woman of today can get a drink and have a conversation."

Where Kids Drag Their Parents to Church: Northside Christian

A Houston-Area Church Creates a Parklike Welcome for the Community