Mel McGowan

Mel McGowan is an Outreach Magazine contributing editor and the co-founder and chief creative principal of PlainJoe Studios, a multidisciplinary design firm focused on storytelling from branding to building. He also is the author of Design Intervention: Revolutionizing Sacred Space (PlainJoe Studios) and serves as an adjunct professor at California Baptist University’s College of Architecture, Visual Arts and Design.

A Gift for the City

The campus is now busy seven days a week. On nice days, families come to play at the outdoor playground; when the weather is bad, they go to the indoor playground instead.

Where Digital Meets Analog

Outside, the church plans to convert an existing parking lot into an area where church and community members can spend time together. The resulting communal space will feature a playground families can enjoy, as well as a grassy, open seating area.

Alliance Redwoods Builds Spiritual Bridges in Sonoma County

“This is a safe place for people who are post-evangelical or spiritual nones with a spiritual hunger. We call it a place of re-creation.”

Big Plans for Small Spaces

Planning your small church space down to the smallest details can help you thoughtfully maximize the available square footage. A great design that’s both functional and attractive doesn’t require a large budget.

Tell Your Story as a Church Plant

Showcase your church’s identity through a connected story as you plant and water the early seeds of ministry.

A Call to Be Brave

Every detail, down to the durable building materials we highlighted (concrete, wood and metal), signified strength and steadiness.

A Light in Lake County

CCC doesn’t just operate as an arm of one church. Instead, it partners with churches and cause-oriented organizations across Lake County.

A Place to Grow

Today’s children are the future of the church, both in America and worldwide. Investing more resources into children’s programs and ministry spaces is truly investing in the global church’s future.