Inside the Jan/Feb 2015 Issue
Directions in Outreach
Powerful forces are reshaping culture … and the church responds.
In the church, the Spirit birthed a living organism....
In the Nov/Dec 2014 issue: Kevin Harney on Evangelism, Naturally; Lance Ford on Being "Good News" People; Philip Yancey on Soul Thirst; Larry Osborne on Evangelism and Culture Warfare; and the Outreach Interview with Wilfredo "Choco" De Jesús
The Outreach Magazine/LifeWay Research Special Report on America's Fastest-Growing Churches, plus Building for Community, Learning From the International Church, 100 Church-Tested Ideas for Outreach, the Shane Farmer Interview and more
In the Sept/Oct 2014 issue: Developing World-Changing Leaders; Succeeding at Succession; Becoming a Millennial Leader; The Changing American Seminary; and the Outreach Interview with Judah Smith
In the July/August 2014 issue: Small Church Profiles (Suburban, Rural and Urban); Think Like a Church Planter; Small Church and Church Planting Resources; Matt Chandler on a Passion for Church Planting and the Outreach Interview with David Fitch
In the May/June 2014 issue: Randy Frazee on Neighborhood Connections, Dave Gibbons on Ministry Out of Brokenness, the Outreach Interview with Erwin McManus and much more
In the March/April 2014 issue: America's Rising Hispanic Church, the Outreach Interview with Samuel Rodriguez and the year's best outreach books and media
Inside the Jan/Feb issue: Erwin McManus on Imagining the Future, Larry Osborne on the messy side of innovation, 25 best ideas and the churches behind them, and the Outreach Interview with Gabe Lyons