
What Would You Say in the Presence of God?

“Holy” is the cry that even now is ringing in the heavens to describe God. That’s what Isaiah encountered as he was taken up in a vision and saw the Lord.

Does God Still Love You?

We cannot earn more of God's love or lose any of it because His love for us is unconditional. He loves us fully and completely, no matter what we do.

Hearing God

But imagine this. What if you had a handwritten note sent to you from God? Would you carry it around in your pocket for a couple of weeks and open it when you got around to it?

Breaking Free From the Enemy-Making Machine

How to live the presence of Christ in a divided culture.

Who Earns Your Political Support?

Choosing a candidate is not always easy, so here are some helpful things to consider when voting.

Being People of Virtue in a Culture of Vice

We as Christians can model a different, better way to engage in politics.

3 Ways We Hedge Our Faith Instead of Trusting Fully in God

Sometimes we treat our faith more like a mutual fund than a dependance on the promises of God.

When Ministry Wears You Out Learn to Lament

Instead of giving up, take your frustrations and complaints to God with this helpful prayer language.

A Divine Conspiracy in the Same Direction

An imagined dialogue between Eugene Peterson and Dallas Willard based on their written works.

5 Symptoms of Religion (Without the Gospel)

Do a quick check to see if any of these attitudes are sneaking in to your heart.

Why Rachel Held Evans Mattered

Reflecting on the influence and reach of Rachel Held Evans.