What Does It Mean That We Can ‘Do All Things Through Christ’?

Christians often quote Philippians 4:13 for motivation, and it’s certainly very powerful: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

But is it true? Can I really claim this verse?

The good news is, yes, it’s in the Bible, which is God’s Word, so it’s as true as anything else found in the Word. But every piece of Scripture must be interpreted against the backdrop of its larger context—both the context of the passage itself as well as the context of the full counsel of God.

If you’re not careful, you might claim this “can do” verse about something you’re attempting to accomplish that really isn’t part of God’s will for your life. In other words, Paul wasn’t saying that, through Christ, you will fly faster than a speeding bullet, be more powerful than a locomotive or leap tall buildings in a single bound. And he wasn’t saying you’ll be able to achieve success without pain or maturity without discipline.

In the context of the verse, Paul was saying that he had been through poverty and he had been wealthy. Through both, he was able to stay faithful because of his relationship with Jesus.

Have you ever hit one of those moments when you were shouting in your head, I just can’t do this anymore! When you’re walking in God’s will for your life and those emotionally trying, discouraging moments come, the message of this verse comes to bear.


If it’s God’s will … if God called you to it … if God commands you to do it … you can do it.

And he will supply all the power, all the resources and all of the results you need.

So, can you do all the things you want to do through Christ? Perhaps not, but …

You can do anything God wants you to do.

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This article originally appeared on BrandonACox.com and is reposted here by permission.

Brandon A. Cox
Brandon A. Coxhttps://brandonacox.com

Brandon A. Cox is the lead pastor of Grace Hills Church in Rogers, Arkansas.