How to Help Women Delve Deeply into the Word of God

The fall season brings with it not only colorful foliage and cozy cardigan weather but also the exciting opportunity for women to delve deeply into the Word of God. It’s a season of kick-starting various Bible studies, whether within church settings, homes, or workplace break rooms. If you’re considering leading your first women’s Bible study, you might be feeling a mixture of apprehension and eagerness. Rest assured, you’re not alone. This article aims to provide valuable insights and practical tips to help you initiate or rejuvenate a women’s Bible study group that will foster vibrant, life-changing discipleship experiences for women of all ages.

Step 1: Begin with Prayer.

Starting a women’s Bible study is an endeavor that calls for divine guidance and trust. As leaders, our primary offering to others is Jesus, and it’s essential to be receptive to God’s direction as we shepherd hearts and minds toward Christ. Begin by praying for wisdom and direction, asking God to anchor your identity in Him rather than what you accomplish. Seek His guidance and pray for the women who will choose to be a part of the study and pray that wisdom, humility, and the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit will infuse your time together with His purpose.

Step 2: Choose Your Study Material.

Selecting the right study material is crucial. You have various options to consider: books, Bible studies, live teaching, or video-based courses. The possibilities are limitless, but the most important factors are delving into Scripture and trusting God with the outcomes. If you’re just starting out, consider beginning with a video study to provide structure and guidance. As you gain experience and confidence, you can transition to live teaching and collaborative study.

Explore available Church Equip studies for women as valuable resources.

Step 3: Determine When and Where to Meet.

The timing and location of your meetings will vary depending on your group’s composition and goals. If your study is part of your Church’s weekly activities, coordinate with your pastor or church administrator to align schedules and secure a meeting place. If you’re meeting during lunch breaks at work, choose a convenient spot and establish a consistent meeting time. Recognize that accommodating everyone’s schedules may be challenging, so start with a committed few and if you invite others to join in, remain open to flexibility as you adapt to the needs and availability of your group.

Step 4: Establish Meeting Guidelines.

Creating a safe and intentional environment for learning and sharing is vital. Every Bible study I lead, I spend part of the first meeting going over guidelines so that everyone knows the goal and expectations of our time together. I usually print out a card that they can tuck in their bible or workbook with the following:

Small Group Distinctives: 

  • Give Jesus, not advice.
  • Listen attentively.
  • Refrain from trying to fix others’ problems.
  • Maintain confidentiality within the group.
  • Respect each person’s comfort level regarding sharing.
  • Keep an eye on the time. 

This helps to communicate to everyone that there is a mutual respect and expectation for everyone participating.

Step 5: Be Intentional with Follow-up.

Building meaningful connections within your group extends beyond your meeting time. Send thoughtful texts or messages to individuals after they share personal struggles or weaknesses. This simple act demonstrates that your study is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about transformation and genuine care. Consistency and commitment are challenging but essential. Gradually, these reminders reinforce the idea that your presence matters, and you are dedicated to walking alongside one another. As you get to know the women in your group, discover the unique gifts and talents and explore opportunities to connect them with church or small groups to help them grow in their discipleship journey. 

Embarking on the journey to lead a women’s Bible study is both exciting and rewarding. Remember that God has called you to gather, walk alongside, and point women to Jesus. As you take this step of obedience, you are contributing to the growth of the Kingdom of God and the transformation of lives. With prayer, careful planning, and a heart eager to serve, you are more than capable of launching a Bible study that will inspire and impact the lives of women in your community. You can do this!

This article originally appeared on and is reposted here by permission.

Jacki C. King
Jacki C. King

Jacki C. King is a respected and popular Bible teacher, conference speaker and ministry leader. She has a passion for seeing women fall in love with Jesus and his Word while challenging them to be on mission in their homes, workplaces and communities.