Greg Stier

Greg Stier is the founder of Dare 2 Share, and has published over 20 books. His upcoming book is Radical Like Jesus: 21 Challenges to Live a Revolutionary Life (Tyndale).

Let Your Youth See How You Share the Gospel

Moms, dads, youth pastors, children’s pastors, and lead pastors: I encourage you to set the example for your own kids, as well as for the children and teenagers in your church.

Help Your Students ‘Gospelize’ at School

Consider getting a group of Christian friends together to pray every week.

Building Relationships With the Lost

Yes, let’s dine with the sinners and gladly be accused, like Jesus, of being “a friend of sinners.” But let’s never mistake this for condoning sin.

Preacher, Don’t Blow It During the Invitation

What is the invitation I’m referring to? The Gospel invitation! It’s the moment when a preacher invites unbelievers to believe and the lost to be saved.

Be Real and Open Up

Deepen your connection to the Lord with a prayer journal of personal "psalms."

Fan the Flame for Outreach

Want to ignite those you lead with a fire for the gospel?

The Biggest Question of Life

When death comes unexpectedly, our mortality-awareness-index heightens.

What’s Your Personal Approach to Evangelism?

My wife’s style was more relational. She built relationships over time and introduced Jesus to people more slowly. When she went to the shopping mall, she didn’t evangelize. She shopped. But I also noticed that she had engaged many of her co-workers in Gospel conversations over time.