Tag: 2019 Outreach Resources of the Year

Developing Competencies in Reconciliation

Today's globalized world requires that the church become competent in different areas of reconciliation.

Al Tizon: Whole and Reconciled

Gospel, Church and Mission in a Fractured World

Why Study Moral Leaders From the Past?

Studying the lives of moral leaders from the past can strengthen our ability to discern moral leadership in our own lives.

What Turns a Place Upside Down?

Hearing the Word of God preached is pivotal to the revival and transformation of a community.

Todd A. Wilson: Zealous for Good Works

Mobilizing Your Church for the Good of Your Community

Adrian Pei: The Minority Experience

Navigating Emotional and Organizational Realities

Why We Can’t Ignore the Past

No matter our individual intentions, the past informs the way we relate with other ethnicities today.

How to Grow Your Confidence As a Leader

Here's how to lay a biblical foundation for confidence in leadership.