Al Tizon: Whole and Reconciled

Whole and Reconciled
Gospel, Church, and Mission in a Fractured World
(Baker, 2018)

WHO: Al Tizon, executive minister of Serve Globally, the international ministries arm of the Evangelical Covenant Church.

HE SAYS: “The world needs reconciliation—a contender for the understatement of the century.”

THE BIG IDEA: What does it look like when the whole church is engaged in evangelism, peacemaking and stewardship? This book’s objective is to present fresh understandings of the gospel, church and mission resulting in missional renewal.

Part 1, “Whole World,” looks closely at significant realities today—globalization, post-Christendom, postcolonialism—that pose a challenge and opportunity for the church-in-mission. Part 2, “Whole Gospel,” asks “What is the gospel?” in context of this new world. It also seeks to articulate the gospel of the kingdom that Jesus preached in terms of reconciliation.
Part 3, “Whole Church,” follows up with a fresh ecclesiology, reminding readers of the radical nature of the church in terms of both its personal and social wholeness as well as its spirituality. Part 4, “Whole Mission,” provides a new formulation of the whole mission.

“We engage in holistic mission when we participate with God in putting the world back together in Jesus Christ: reconciliation as mission.”

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A 2019 Outreach Resource of the Year—Cross-Cultural/Missional Category

“Al Tizon presents a case for Christian holistic ministry, combining evangelism and social action around the centrality of the gospel of Christ, which includes the vital practice of reconciliation: right connections with God, neighbor and earth.”

Evaluated by Robert L. Gallagher, director and professor of intercultural studies at Wheaton College Graduate School.

Al Tizon
Al Tizon

Al Tizon is executive minister of Serve Globally, the international ministries arm of the Evangelical Covenant Church in Chicago, IL.