David Gushee and Colin Holtz

David P. Gushee, a leading public Christian voice on ethical issues of our day, is Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics and director of the Center for Theology and Public Life at Mercer University in Atlanta, Georgia. He also serves as president of the American Academy of Religion and is immediate past president of the Society of Christian Ethics. He is the author or co-author of several books, most recently Moral Leadership for a Divided Age.

Colin Holtz, a writer and strategist at the intersection of church and world, is a 10-year veteran of issue advocacy and political campaigns. His writing has been published in the Guardian and HuffPost. He has led national campaigns on education debt and financial regulation, worked with CNN’s Crossfire, and served as a senior adviser to Faithful America. 

Why Study Moral Leaders From the Past?

Studying the lives of moral leaders from the past can strengthen our ability to discern moral leadership in our own lives.