Tag: Zondervan

How Then Should We Live?

Excerpted from 'The Problem of Jesus' (Zondervan)

Sam Chan: How to Talk About Jesus (Without Being THAT Guy)

Personal Evangelism in a Skeptical World (Zondervan)

J.R. Briggs: The Sacred Overlap

Learning to Live Faithfully in the Space Between (Zondervan)

Craig Springer: Listening to Proclaim—Part 1

"The megachurch era of the ’80s, ’90s and early 2000s, founded on a desire for anonymity, is shifting because people are longing to be known and seen."

Craig Springer: Belonging Is a Precursor for Belief—Part 2

"We need to be intentional about building spaces for people outside the faith to feel like they belong with this community, even if they don’t yet believe."

Evangelist Sam Chan on Creating a Space for Non-Christians to Belong

How conversation and community elevate the art of evangelism

Healing the Racial Divide

My Top 5 Books on Race

Jemar Tisby: How to Fight Racism

Courageous Christianity and the Journey Toward Racial Justice (Zondervan)