
Mark Glanville

Jazz by its nature as a traditioned, improvised, nuanced, intelligent, conversational art form, is an evocative metaphor for the church in post-Christendom.

John H. Walton

Whatever authority the prophetic words held for the ancient audience they also hold for us.

Robert F. Cochran Jr.

The great social good that lawyers do is to uphold the rule of law.

John Maxwell: How to Lead When Your Boss Can’t (or Won’t)

Creating endless opportunities—for your organization, your career and your life.

Mary Jo Sharp: Why I Still Believe

A Former Atheist’s Reckoning With the Bad Reputation Christians Give a Good God

Steve Wilkens: What’s So Funny About God?

A Theological Look at Humor

Sugel Michelén: From & Before God

A Practical Introduction to Expository Preaching

Sy Garte: The Works of His Hands

A Scientist’s Journey From Atheism to Faith