Unburdened: Stop Living for Jesus So Jesus Can Live Through You
(Baker Books, 2020)
WHO: Vance Pitman, pastor of Hope Church in Las Vegas.
HE SAYS: “Jesus never wanted me to push and strive my way into spiritual effectiveness. Instead, he wanted me to pursue him intimately, so in his own power he could demonstrate his very life through me.”
THE BIG IDEA: What does it look like to faithfully follow Jesus?
This book is divided into four sections. Part 1, “The Foundation,” establishes the problem (we’re focused on the wrong thing) and the solution (it’s all about relationships). Part 2, “Abide,” explores what freedom looks like—freedom from trying and freedom from sin and temptation.
In Part 3, “Connect,” the author discusses the importance of being in God’s family and the importance of not living in isolation. Part 4, “Share,” concludes the book with a look at how we can accomplish spend time together with others and with God.
“You will be unburdened as you capture the simplicity and purity of living the life of a Christ follower.”
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