Kara Lawler: Everywhere Holy

Everywhere Holy: Seeing Beauty, Remembering Your Identity, and Finding God Right Where You Are
(Thomas Nelson, 2019)

WHO: Kara Lawler, a writer and teacher living in Pennsylvania.

SHE SAYS: “I believe that it is in giving recognition to our lives that we offer up one of the greatest forms of prayer.”

THE BIG IDEA: Holiness is present in the small, everyday moments that make up our lives.

In the 15 chapters that make up this book, the author encourages readers to make a lifestyle change through the observance of small acts. She writes that if they see God in nature and all around them, they will discover a holy space that honors God.

“By noticing beauty and looking for God all around, I believe we really can discover who we are and who God meant for us to be.”

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Kara Lawler
Kara Lawlerhttp://karalawler.com/

Kara Lawler is a writer and teacher living in Pennsylvania.