Discipleship and Spiritual Growth

The Lovingkindness of God

Over and over again, the lovingkindness of the Lord is extolled as the reason why he provides salvation for his people. Not that sinners deserve to be saved, but God extends his own heart to them and sets his love upon them.

A Beloved Love

What makes us come together as the people of God and remain the people of God is what we have been given from God.

Don’t Waste Your Season

We cannot rush the appearance of fruit to make ourselves feel or look better. We can’t put on blooms out of season simply because we’re restless for a different season in our lives.

Pete Greig: How to Pray

A Simple Guide for Normal People

They Prayed Away the Mosquitoes

When we pray for small things, we open ourselves up to more opportunities to be grateful.

Why We Must Keep the Gospel Central

Our power doesn't lie in the techniques we employ, but in the truth of our crucified, risen Savior.

J.D. Greear: Above All

The Gospel Is the Source of the Church’s Renewal

James K.A. Smith: On the Road With Saint Augustine

A Real-World Spirituality for Restless Hearts

Heart on the Run

Augustine's journey was not unlike our own journeys seeking the prestige of a "better" life.

Carl McColman: Unteachable Lessons

Why Wisdom Can't Be Taught (and Why That's Okay)

Carrying a Cat by the Tail

Words are good, but often insufficient to explain our experience of God.