Pete Greig: How to Pray

How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People
(NavPres/Tyndale, 2019)

WHO: Pete Greig, senior pastor of Emmaus Rd church in Guildford, England, an ambassador for the NGO Tearfund and a lecturer at St Melitus Theological Center.

HE SAYS: “This book is an introduction to a vast subject aimed at new Christians and ordinary followers of Jesus who may not have studied theology and don’t consider themselves Jedi prayer warriors but who would still like to grow and go a bit deeper in their relationship with God.”

THE BIG IDEA: To evoke a passion for prayer in everyone.

This book begins with a short section, “How to P.R.A.Y.”, that explains the acronym featured throughout the book: Pause, Rejoice, Ask and Yield. The following sections are named after each word in the acronym, explaining in detail what it means to prayer.

“I find it awesome to imagine that every true prayer I ever prayed—all the frustrations, the tears, the dashed hopes, and the yearnings—are not wasted but cherished, remembered by God.”

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Pete Greig
Pete Greig

Pete Greig is senior pastor of Emmaus Rd church in Guildford, England, an ambassador for the NGO Tearfund and a lecturer at St Melitus Theological Center.

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