Christian Living

Generosity and Selflessness

It is really easy to give out of a surplus. That’s because the surplus is never something we truly need.

God’s Good Created Order

How is the Jesus of powerlessness, mercy, and forgiveness to be reconciled with the Jesus of justice and judgment?

How Did I Get Here?

These girls, these babies who had had just given birth, were nursing infants without their own mothers to teach or protect them. One thing was clear: no child chooses this, to be a mother at age eleven or thirteen.

The Church’s Place in the Pro-Love Movement

Excerpted from 'Help Her Be Brave' by Amy Ford

Flipping the Joy Switch

Excerpted From 'The Joy Switch' (Northfield Publishing)

Doomscrolling and Living in a VUCA World

We need a way of thinking that holds up to the unsteadiness of our times.

The Christian Philosophy

Jesus the Great Philosopher (Brazos Press)

Quentin Schultze: Communicating With Grace and Virtue

Learning to Listen, Speak, Text and Interact as a Christian (Baker Academic)

How Good Communication Builds the Kingdom

Excerpted FromCommunicating With Grace and VirtueBy Quentin Schultze Communication is not just a skill for a few people and a handful of careers. Nearly everything...

The Tug-of-War Between Love and Truth

“Speaking the truth in love” is not about telling people where they are messing up. It’s about demonstrating truth by your love and loving people by walking in the truth.