
Aren’t Christians Just a Bunch of Hypocrites?

Rejecting Christianity because some Christians are hypocrites would be like not buying a certain brand of shoes because the only people you’ve ever seen wearing them were troublemakers.

Is God Real?

Come with me as we travel around America –– from Boston to Seattle, from Denver to Los Angeles, from Texas to Indiana –– to meet some of the scholars I have interviewed about whether God is real.

Doing Apologetics Well

Telling people stories about how God has come through for you or for people you know can speak powerfully to them.

Christianity’s Greatest Scandal

Christian hypocrisy and the gospel

Ravi Zacharias: Evangelist as Apologist

Editor’s Note: The following article was published before the devastating findings from the investigation into accusations of sexting, unwanted touching, spiritual abuse and rape...

Does Christianity Need to Be Saved?

The greatest threat to Christianity has never come from the outside.

James Emery White: Christianity for People Who Aren’t Christians

Uncommon Answers to Common Questions (Baker Books)

When the Church Is the Church

When do you have the church?

Mary Jo Sharp: Why I Still Believe

A Former Atheist’s Reckoning With the Bad Reputation Christians Give a Good God

Doubt as Relational

Faith is personal, so it cannot depend solely on empirical data.