Discipleship and Spiritual Growth: 13th Annual Outreach Resources of the Year

Resource of the Year:
Discipleship and Spiritual Growth

Finding Your Way Back to God: Five Awakenings to Your New Life
By Dave Ferguson and Jon Ferguson (Multnomah)

While there were a number of very good resources for discipleship and spiritual growth in 2015, Finding Your Way Back to God: Five Awakenings to Your New Life stands head and shoulders above the rest. Inspired by the conviction that although we each spend our lives on a journey toward God, “our most deeply felt longings—for meaning, for love, for significance—end up leading us away from, instead of toward, our Creator and the person He made us to be.”

Finding Your Way Back to God is a map for every traveler on the journey back to the One who made us. By all accounts, no other resource produced the measurable steps of spiritual growth as this one. The book can be read as a standalone resource or as a companion to the very powerful 5 session DVD-driven study.

Whether you are simply looking for a small group study that will connect with friends and neighbors who are far from God or a compelling study for a church-wide campaign, I hope you’ll take a look at Finding Your Way Back to God. I love this book and study and I think you will too.

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Also Recommended:

Brave New Discipleship: Cultivating Scripture-Driven Christians in a Culture-Driven World
By Max Anders (Thomas Nelson)

Max Anders’ Brave New Discipleship is a resource that ought to be in your toolkit. Both timely and very practical, it offers a discipleship pathway worth adopting.

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Hopecasting: Finding, Keeping and Sharing the Things Unseen
By Mark Oestreicher (IVP)

Deeply personal with a simple practicality, Mark Oestreicher’s Hopecasting is simply a must-read.

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EVALUATED BY MARK HOWELL, pastor of communities at Canyon Ridge Christian Church in Las Vegas; blogger at MarkHowellLive.com; and consultant and coach helping churches launch, build and sustain healthy small group ministries.

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Outreach Magazine
Outreach Magazinehttp://outreachmagazine.com

Outreach magazine publishes ideas, innovations, resources and stories to help church leaders reach their communities and change the world. Founded in January 2003 by church communications company Outreach Inc., Outreach is an award-winning, bimonthly periodical for church leadership and is available by subscription and on Amazon.com. Find out more at outreachmagazine.com