Tag: Multnomah

Permission to Wrestle

There can be logical answers to your questions about what God allows and why some people seem protected from things while others don’t. The logic won’t always soothe your heart; however, an answer doesn’t need to be emotionally gratifying to be true.

Abide in His Promises

I thrive on the promises of God. They give shape and definition not only to my life in general but also specifically to my days.

Outreach Resources of the Year: Discipleship

Here are the top Discipleship resources of the year.

21st Annual Outreach Resources of the Year

The Outreach Resources of the Year honors the past year’s best books that emphasize outreach-oriented ideas. You will discover valuable tools that belong on your bookshelf, that you will reach for time and again as they enhance your effectiveness in ministry through the years.

The Attitude of Gratitude

If you want to move from languishing to flourishing, there are no easy answers. And there are no quick fixes. But this I know for sure: You won’t get there without gratitude.

Show Countercultural Compassion in the World

It’s time we show countercultural compassion to those who don’t agree with us. It’s time we show them that the Word of God is not a weapon we wield against them but rather words that move us to show love and kindness to them.

Growing the Church in a Healthy Way

An Interview With Carey Nieuwhof on ‘At Your Best’

Mark Batterson: Dwelling in Possibility

Through civility, service and innovation the church faces one of its greatest opportunities.