Tag: missions

Why We May Need a New Missions Metaphor

It's time to change the way we think about foreign missions.

The Benefits and Challenges of Business as Mission

The world is changing rapidly. Globalization, the expansion of cities and the increase of the middle class have created new and different opportunities for...

5 Characteristics That Set Apart Sending Churches

What does an effective sending church look like?

12 Reasons to Send Your Pastor on a Mission Trip

Churches follow the vision of their pastors.

When I Was Sent I Felt Forgotten

When I became a missionary in South Asia, I felt abandoned by my local church.

10 Things I’ve Learned Being a Missions Pastor

As a missions pastor, these are 10 lessons I’ve learned along the way as I’ve served my church in this role. 1. Take Time to...

The Quiet Church-Planting Movement in the Global South

What its surge tells us about what multiplying churches can do

Addressing the Challenges Single Women Face in Missions

Single women face these four REAL challenges.