Tag: global missions

Addressing the Challenges Single Women Face in Missions

Single women face these four REAL challenges.

Balancing the Missional Callings of Churches and Individuals

What role does the church play in sending individuals called to missions?

5 Tips for a Short Missions Presentation

The time allotted for missionaries to share with churches is shrinking. Here's how to maximize the time you're given.

How to Teach Children About Missions

Helping children think about missions.

How to Know if Someone Is Called to Global Missions

These questions will help you gauge whether you or another individual are being called to missions.

3 Ways We Unintentionally ‘Play God’ in Missions

Why our best intentions in serving overseas don’t always bear good fruit.

How to Rethink Your Short-Term Trips

There is often problematic baggage that comes with traditional short-term mission trips. Here are ways to make sure your trips are having the intended effect.

Why You Should Rethink Cutting Your Missions Budget

The Benefits of Prioritizing the Gospel in Your Financial Decisions