
How to Leverage Existing Ministries for Outreach

“You could launch new outreach ministries without removing any existing ministries, increasing your budget or adding staff.”

One Church’s Story of Transformation

We waited as each church went through the 30-day jumpstart. Then we heard the stories.

Charlie Dates: The Indestructible Power of the Gospel

Jesus lived 33 years, walking on water as it recognized its creator King and became a solid. He turned water into wine. He welcomed sinners and the marginalized into his company. And then, he died—that is, until death died. Until sin apologized. Until the earth rocked and reeled like a drunken man. Until the sun could no longer stand seeing its own creator crucified to a tree, so it pulled the shade across the noonday. They laid him in a borrowed tomb, but early Sunday morning, before the sun got up, the Son pulled one foot out of eternity, stepped back into time, and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matt. 28:18).

Being Color-Brave

“When we see color, our eyes can be opened in new ways.”

5 Critical Mistakes to Avoid in the Post-COVID Church

Guidelines to help church leaders moving forward

3 Fundamental Questions to Ask This Year

Discerning where to focus your energies is essential.

How (Not) to Read the Bible

Is it still “the Good Book”? That depends on how we read it.

God’s Love for the Broken

God delights in choosing rejects and rubble and rubbish.

5 Major Small Group Trends Coming Out of COVID

"A church without an intentional small group ministry is a church in bad health or headed toward bad health."

Leading by Responding Well in Uncertain Times

What God is doing matters more than our plans.

Becoming an Encourager

Developing the Habit of Uplifting Others