
Is It Really Necessary to Memorize Scripture?

Memorizing a chapter is easier than memorizing 18 scattered verses because most chapters are a flowing story.

How to Identify and Handle a People Problem

You improve people problems by improving people.

E Pluribus Unum?

God delights in our diversity and calls us to pursue reconciliation wherever needed.

Claude R. Alexander Jr.: Obligation, Calling and Purpose

If I understand faith as something I get, then it’s a matter of how I use it. But if I understand that God has me, then the matter becomes how God chooses to use me, not how I choose to use God.

How To Thrive When Life Is Stressing You Out

Another way to thrive in stressful times is to fall in love with living out your faith. No matter what you do each day, no matter what job you have, there are always moments for ministry.

What David Can Teach Us About Leadership

Notice David had a vision. He had a word from God, but this was a bigger request than David and his men probably felt capable of doing. They were still a young army.

12 Reasons to Send Your Pastor on a Mission Trip

Churches follow the vision of their pastors.

Pastor, You Can’t Know Everything (And That’s Okay)

If you require that the fruit for your labors must always be visible and measurable, one of two things will happen, both of them bad: you will either lose heart and quit or you will become a manipulator of congregations.

Balancing Act

Making connections with the culture without compromising your convictions

Are We Living Hebrews 10:25 Correctly?

It was all about the importance of Christians spurring one another on, encouraging one another, and to not give up on doing that in the context of a world that demands perseverance.

Creating an Anti-Racist Organization

Why cultural intelligence is key to cultivating an anti-racist team.