Kevin Harney

Kevin Harney ( is an Outreach magazine contributing editor, lead pastor of Shoreline Church in Monterey, California, and the founder and visionary leader of Organic Outreach International ( He is the author of the Organic Outreach trilogy and, most recently, Organic Disciples: Seven Ways to Grow Spiritually and Naturally Share Jesus, in addition to multiple studies and articles.

Examine Your Life

Any and every church leader is vulnerable, and that the enemy of our souls is always on the hunt for any way he can destroy the witness of a church leader.

Why Is Evangelism So Hard?

How to Overcome the 3 Main Obstacles to Sharing the Good News

All Together Now

We are the family of God. Let’s act like it and shine the light of Jesus through our example.

Preparing for a Fruitful Harvest

If we want to see revival and lives transformed for eternity, we need to get on our knees to pray.

Preaching What You Practice

It’s hard to lead an evangelistic movement in your place of ministry when reaching out to the lost is something you tend to avoid.

7 Ways to Prepare to Share Your Faith

Here are some great ways to prepare yourself for opportunities to share the gospel.

A Peaceful Presence

Conflicted times can become sacred moments when believers in Jesus stand out in a good way.

Balancing Act

Making connections with the culture without compromising your convictions