Dave Ferguson

Dave Ferguson is CEO of Exponential, visionary leader of NewThing Network and lead pastor of Community Christian Church with locations across Chicagoland.

Leading After the Election

Asking questions and then listening was central to Jesus’ life and teachings.

Who Are Your Twelve?

How did Jesus spend his time? When considering Jesus’ ministry, it’s easy to picture him preaching to crowds, performing miracles and healing the sick. However, a closer look at the Gospels reveals that three-fourths of his emphasis was on training his disciples.

Keeping Score: Measuring What Matters

Once defined and simplified, establish concrete methods for measuring progress.

Create a Culture of Multiplication

3 Ways to Institutionalize Multiplication at Your Church

Dave Ferguson: Ask the Right Question

Reproducing churches replace “grow” with “multiply” because they want to see the kingdom expand from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.

Maximize Your Leadership With ‘4 Always’

Never do anything alone, and always have an apprentice. If you are leading a group, team, site, church or network, you always have an apprentice.

Didn’t See It Coming!: Why Becoming a Multiplier Is Key to Not Losing Your Way

A multiplier is a healthy disciple-making leader who champions church reproduction.

3 Reasons Networking Is Core to Church Planting

In the next five years at the current rate there will be over 13,000 churches who have a vision to do something that has movement-making potential—start a multiplying network.