Ever hear cool conversion stories and wish God would give you more opportunities to share the Gospel?
My guess is that you have more opportunities than you think. Every day, you rub shoulders with people: neighbors, the grocery-store checker, restaurant servers, other parents at the park—the list goes on.
People all around us are wondering about the meaning of life—about their identity and their purpose—and they’re often eager to talk about it with someone who’s open to listening. And these conversations provide perfect springboards to care for people and share the Good News of Jesus.
Here’s a recent example from my life to give you an idea of what I’m talking about:
Not long ago, I was at the gym, renewing my daughter’s membership. The man helping me—his name was Steve—had a number of tattoos, so I asked him about their significance. This simple question led to a spiritual conversation.
He told me that as he was growing up, both his parents were agnostic, and so was he.
As Providence would have it, however, he’d just recently started reading the Bible and was interested in knowing more about spiritual things, but he didn’t know where to go to church.
I rattled off a few ideas (he lived far from our church) and began to share the Gospel with him. Then, as Providence would have it, a pastor friend of mine who has a church closer to where Steve lives walked up to check into the gym.
I introduced Pastor Joel to my new friend, and they made a connection. As I was leaving, I told Steve: “This was no accident. God sent Pastor Joel at just the right time to connect with you.”
He smiled and nodded, knowing that God was up to something.
Pray for Steve to fully understand the Gospel and put his faith in Jesus. Pray for Steve to get connected in a solid church. He’s heard the Gospel and now knows a pastor who works out at his gym.
Fellow believers, I find most people willing to engage in spiritual conversations if we Ask – Admire – Admit:
Ask questions about the person—their lives, jobs, tattoos, and spiritual journeys.
Admire what you can about their beliefs, as Paul did with the philosophers at the Areopagus in Acts 17.
Admit that you need Jesus, and then share your testimony and the G.O.S.P.E.L.
That’s what I did in 10 minutes at the front desk of a fitness center recently.
That’s what you can do today, any day, and every day.
Evangelism is for everyone!
God gave a big exclamation point to his divine intervention when he sent Pastor Joel to the front desk of the gym at just the right time.
You might be saying to yourself: “Well, this kind of stuff happens all the time to Greg because he’s an evangelist.”
That’s Satan’s lie whispering in your ear, trying to convince you that you can’t do the same thing.
You have the same Holy Spirit I do. Ephesians 1:13-14
You have the same anointing I do. 1 John 2:20
You have the same Gospel I do. Romans 1:16
You have the same mission I do. Matthew 28:18-20
So go for it today!
This article originally appeared on gregstier.org and is reposted here by permission.