Tag: criticism

What Are Pastors Afraid Of?

In a sense, a pastorate is like a marriage. The only way to make it work past the honeymoon stage is for both sides to agree for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.

How Women Leaders Can Embrace Criticism

Embracing criticism as an opportunity for personal and professional growth is a skill that can set you apart.

What Do You Hear About Your Pastor?

If other church members contact you about the post, let them know that you support the pastor, and they should as well. It only takes one or two strong and supportive church members to bring the discussion to a needed ending.

Accepting God’s ‘Holy Sandpaper’

His Faithfulness in the Midst of Criticism

5 Wrong Ways to Respond to Criticism

They way you respond to criticism says a lot about you and your leadership.

How to Face Rejection as a Leader

Some will like what they hear; others will not. Here's how to respond.

Is There a Grain of Truth in Every Criticism?

How should leaders respond to criticism that seems unmerited?

Are You a Builder or a Breaker?

Handling criticism: As David Brinkley said, “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him."