Tag: church growth

Victory in the Spirit: World Overcomers Christian Church

No. 20 Fastest-Growing: World Overcomers Christian Church in North Carolina Reaches Men, Young Families

A Targeted Approach: Christ’s Church of the Valley

No. 26 Fastest-Growing: Christ’s Church of the Valley in Arizona Specifically Aims to Reach Husbands, Dads and Families

Touched By God: Water of Life Community Church

No. 42 Fastest-Growing: Water of Life Community Church in California Values Healing From the Inside Out

A Culture of Urgency: First Church of Christ

No. 56 Fastest-Growing: First Church of Christ in Kentucky Renews Its Vision to Reach the Lost

10 Roadblocks to Church Revitalization

"Since so many of our churches are in need of revitalization, let’s begin by seeing what roadblocks hinder turnarounds."

7 Business Principles That Lead to a Flourishing Church

"My background was business, so I took those principles that I knew and applied them to building the new church."

11 Ways Pastors Can Reignite Evangelism in Their Churches

"It starts by allowing God to change our hearts, and then by turning our attention to the congregation and taking massive action."

20 Relics of Churches Past

"The question I asked was basic: 'What did you have or do in your church 10 years ago that you don’t have or do today?'"