Tag: Baker

Living Faithfully in Exile

For Christians in a post-Christian culture, the question is how we relate to the culture.

Developing Competencies in Reconciliation

Today's globalized world requires that the church become competent in different areas of reconciliation.

Al Tizon: Whole and Reconciled

Gospel, Church and Mission in a Fractured World

4 Ways to Tell If You Are a Man or a Boy

The things that separate boys from men aren't related to age, but values.

The Five Marks of a Man

Brian Tome: Finding Your Path to Courageous Manhood

What’s the Difference Between a Fake and a Follower?

Andi Andrew: Refusing to Settle for a Shallow Faith

Where Are We Finding Our Identity?

The world encourages us to find our identity by looking within or looking to others' approval, but our identity can only be found in our Creator.

Getting Rid of the Trappings of Cultural Christianity

It's time to bury the cultural practices and idols that have subtly become part of the American church's DNA.