Tag: Baker Publishing Group

The Ways We Determine Right From Wrong

There are several ways we determine right from wrong in a given situation. Here are some frameworks upon which we build our ethics.

The Bible and the Problem of Evil

Some argue the Bible fails to provide adequate solutions to the problem of evil. The beginning of an answer is found in a theodicy of love.

God’s Kingdom Is a Utopia

Life in the kingdom of God is better than we can imagine.

The Danger of Culture Devoid of Religion

Culture cannot sustain itself without a religious framework. Studying the poet Matthew Arnold helps us understand why.

Where Did the Idea of Monks Originate?

There are several misconceptions about monks. Here's a brief history of where the word originated.

Learning to Read Theology Charitably

How do we read theology with a generous spirit of love for God and our neighbor?

How Befriending a Refugee Changed Me

Shawn Smucker: Once We Were Strangers

5 Things I Learned From a Syrian Refugee

Befriending a Syrian refugee taught me a great deal about what it means to truly be a friend.